What does that spell?! BADGER! Yes, this is a long over-due post, very long. But nonetheless, it is here.
The Media Club was packed, like always, when a good show is awaiting to happen. So I quickly got a drink and moseyed my way to the front with the rest of the Badger's support team aka the guys from Levi's. And there was Bobby, in his usual get-up, sporting a black Shiner tee, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. On either side was the other guitarist and drummer. The Badgers was (I believe) the opening act for Synapse Fire. And damn, did they open up a show. Guitars blazing, with riffs heavily influenced by the sounds of Lions in the Street, Eagles by Death Metal and Drive By Truckers, with of course their own twist. Midway through the set they threw back a shot of whiskey (?) to get things going. "Skytrain, skytrain, East Van city," a popular lyric that stuck quite well, definitely a Vancouver-based band. When this band goes big, and this song joins the ride, our public transit, $2.50 will be worth bragging about.
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