Wednesday, September 23, 2009

L2D, D2L

There is a seed to every origin of life, whether it be life itself, a budding plant, the beginnings of an architectural domain, or an inhabitant feeling that weathers in your veins. There is a potent cause for everything, with every action comes a reaction. How to control that reaction is the difficult part. In some ways of life there are no instructional guides, there are no arrows that point in the right direction, it's just instinct, perhaps its serendipty that leads you to where you are. There is no manditory gate that opens up and sets you in the footprints you are in now. All we have is our gut, our mind, our faith and how we use each tool to our advantage or disadvatange. We are our own. No steering wheel no brakes, just gas. So the next decision you make, don't think once, or twice, give it three times; because some are permanent and some wither away like a dandelion. The outcome? Maybe regret, or the best time of your life. Each weigh like a brick. Afterall, we live to die and die to live.

Kyla - a tired, half closed eyes Kyla

1 comment:

Bavubuka Foundation said...

You're so much more mature and old now! Happy Birthday Baby Sister