Tuesday, October 28, 2008

don't forget your dreams.

Six hour breaks, only one out of four things crossed off my agenda. I have reoccurring back pains and headaches. I'm not done the pills in my per scripted bottle due to the lack of food. I am not making myself better. I will though. Just for you.

Little bits of insanity keep filtering in, I need a get away. I need to be surrounded by nothing but the ocean and you by my side.

My Dasani bottle is only 1/3 finished.

I want to do something I love, I want to have no regrets, I want a life with no mistakes. But that's like an apple with no seeds, Paris Hilton with no glitter, and fingers with no nails. Impossible.

I want a new bag ... possible.

I hope I can make it through work tomorrow. Only four hours, only forty four dollars.


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