Friday, October 31, 2008

Cheers Darling!

Three bottles of perscription pills, two missed classes and days of work later I have miraculously gotten better. It will be a long time until I get my annual sickness again. Every year I find myself in some agonizing pain where breathing starts to become a chore. It's like Christmas, I'm always looking forward to it, and then anticipating for it to end. And every year it's a surprise. This year's illness was different from last years .. and the year before that .. it's happened ever since the breakout of chicken pox, age three. (Which by the way, is the most horrible thing a child will ever endure.) But alas! I am no long aching-mopy-teary-eyed-Kyla. Although ... I do need to catch a breather walking up the stairs at Burrard Station.

Have I gotten boring or just not as entertaining as I use to be. I would still classify myself as a ball of fun, I swear. But someone asked me what music I liked a couple days ago at work. This is how I would have answered a year...maybe two years ago: "Acoustic and indie artists. The really mellow yet diverse Damien Rice and Ben Harper, who can switch up songs on a single album about three times. Oh! and Cat Power, and Imogen Heap, she's a classic. Anything with lyrics that I don't necessarily have to relate to but I can take apart and put a meaning to." However, last week when I was asked the same question my response: "Uhm...I really like rap." Wtf? Right after I said that I didn't have anything else to say .. oh wait except for, "T.I.'s album is really good ... and L.A.X. Files too...." I was surprised with my thought provoking answer. I have failed every artist that I ever idolized and studied. Lyrics have become faint, and I have conformed to the majority of society's way of judging music. Good beat? Catchy voice? Danceable? if not, can I memorize the first two lines of the chorus? What have I come to.

BUT! I redeemed myself, well I thought I did. But I started singing part of a song Christie wrote years back, and that - that single moment I was entraped by that song I became me again.


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