I have realized that I haven't written any accounts these past couple of weeks, well months. It's been almost a month or so since I've written an entry. This is due to the lack of free time I can devote to writing personal blogs. Also because I have been so engrossed by reading 'Eat, Pray, Love.' Which I plan to share today.
I recently finished part one of Gilbert's number-one seller. And as I was finishing up part one I found myself basking in the same glory Gilbert was: eating. In part one Gilbert delights in the cultural delicatessens of Rome. And I, was indulging in a mocha cheesecake at Trees Organic in Gastown. They were voted 'Best Cheesecake in Town.' Eh, that's debatable, I have had my share of amazing cheesecake, and no offence Trees Organic, but even the cheesecakes at Safeway come to par with yours. Anyways, back to reading.
I guess it was a subconscious thing; where I found myself basking in the same experience as the author of the book I was reading, eating without taking those little crumbled bits of cheesecake for granted (or in her case: eating without taking any of that to-die-for pizza crust for granted). When I realized this, I decided to treat myself to a delicious meal; much like what Gilbert does throughout her journey in Rome. I went to my favourite eatery: Guu, again in Gastown. I swear by it, if Trees Organic can give itself the title of being having the 'Best Cheesecake in Town' then I nominate Guu for having the 'Best Yaki Soba in Town,' because literally - it leaves me drooling. Sometimes I wish I could take home one of the chefs from Guu and place him in my kitchen and have him yell at me in Japanese every time I enter and exit the room. /sigh, that would be quite the life.
So as I just read this over for editing purposes, it's fair to say, that if you haven't been to Guu - you should just go. And then you will understand what I am talking about in this blog. You will also understand why I think Guu's yaki soba is amazing.
On that note; I will keep you up-to-date on my further readings with Eat, Pray, Love. But will also try not to spoil anything. I want to finish the book as fast as I can because I want to see how Ryan Murphy (director) interpreted the book, and of course for Julia Roberts; the woman that never ages.
Does she not look the same as she did in Runaway Bride?Ciao!